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Pennsylvania Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf


PARID is pleased to announce a 3-part workshop series for recent Interpreter Training Program (ITP) graduates and new interpreters who have just joined the field. All workshops will take place from 6:30-8:30pm EST via Zoom. See below for more details and registration information! 

Wed, aug 14, 2024

6:30PM - 8:30PM

Presented by:
Denise Brown


Benjamin Moonan

ODHH for Recent ITP Graduates and New Interpreters

*Please note this workshop will be presented in ASL

Recent graduates and new interpreters will be presented with ODHH’s core functions. Audience members will be presented, also, with some history, background, requirements, regulations, rules of the Pennsylvania Sign Language Interpreter and Transliterator State Registration Act (Act 57-2004). The information also includes how one can properly register, provisionally and state, as an interpreter with ODHH.

At the conclusion of this activity, participants will be able to:

  1. Identify two types of registrations within Act 57-2004
  2. Describe the types of registrations and the relationship between provisional registration and state registration.
  3. Analyze the requirements to properly register provisionally with the Office for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.
  4. Identify assignments that are prohibited or restricted while holding provisional registrations.
  5. Identify the renewal process and how to renew consecutively and be able to discriminate between Professional and General CEUs accurately.
  6. Analyze the Pennsylvania’s Sign Language Interpreter Laws

Target Audience: Recent Interpreter Training Program (ITP) graduates and new interpreters working in the state of Pennsylvania

RID Prior Content Knowledge Level: Little/None

RID CEUs:  0.2 PS

About the Presenter, Denise Brown:

Denise Brown is a representative for L&I’s Office for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (ODHH) in Allentown, Pa over 27 years. Working for ODHH is something Denise loves, and, while she shared that her job involves many different tasks, at ODHH, she primarily helps provide advocacy, information and referrals for residents of Pa experiencing hearing loss. 

Born and raised in Allentown, Pa, Denise has been working for the Commonwealth for over 27 years! Before ODHH, she gained experience in various jobs and internships and also spent two years in another country working for the Peace Corps after graduating from New York University. Denise loves dogs and walking her dogs is one of her favorite pastimes. Fun fact: During the pandemic, while on one of her daily walks with her golden retriever Elmo, she found a stray dog and adopted it. Another one of her favorite pastimes is travel. Denise shared that it was her time spent serving in the Peace Corps that helped her understand and enjoy travel. She loves to learn how people who are deaf all around the world grew up. 

About the Presenter, Benjamin Moonan:

Benjamin Moonan is a Representative with the Pennsylvania Office for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (ODHH) covering the western region. He has been with ODHH for just over 11 years. 

Deaf since birth, Benjamin was fully mainstreamed in the public school system and graduated from Allegany-Limestone School District in Allegany, New York. Then he obtained his bachelor’s degree from the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford campus. While at Pitt-Bradford, he was a 4-year member of the Panthers golf team and was on the all-conference team twice. Several years later, he obtained his Master’s Degree from Robert Morris University. 

Prior to working for ODHH, Benjamin worked at the Pressley Ridge School for the Deaf in Pittsburgh for 6 years as a Teacher/Counselor, Master Teacher/Counselor, and Program Supervisor. He also was a Therapeutic Crisis Intervention trainer. He joined the ODHH team in March of 2012 and appreciates the opportunity to provide the best of his abilities to ensure people who are deaf, hard of hearing, and deafblind can receive equal access to communication and services.

Currently, Benjamin resides in Johnstown, Pa and is a proud father to three children. Along with being a lifetime Buffalo Bills fan, he enjoys golfing, going on hikes, reading books, and participating in sporting activities during his free time. 

thurs, aug 29, 2024

6:30PM - 8:30PM

Presented by:
Andrea Rehkopf


Valoree Boyer

The Business of Interpreting

When it comes to working as an independent contractor or ‘freelance’ interpreter there are various skills that go beyond just knowing two or more languages. In our time together, we will explore: Working with agencies, networking/marketing and how we exist on social media, invoices/Rates/common practices, organizational systems, a brief discussion about taxes/insurance options, and various other areasThis workshop is intended to be a free flow of ideas and an information sharing session.

At the conclusion of this activity, participants will learn and apply 6 organizational tips for being a self-employed freelance interpreter: 

  1. Negotiating contracts - participants will be able to label the basic elements of an invoice.
  2. Taxes - participants will gain a basic understanding of tax information regarding freelance interpreting.
  3. Insurance - participants will be able to name the 3+ basic insurances required for freelance interpreting and the 2 basic options regarding retirement.
  4. Marketing - participants will know 3 marketing strategies and our professional presence as interpreters.
  5. Ethics - participants will leave with an understanding of various ethical business scenarios such as booking assignments, interacting with agencies and hiring entities.
  6. Freelancing - participants will leave with more insight into the freelance interpreting world.

Target Audience: Recent Interpreter Training Program (ITP) graduates and new interpreters working in the state of Pennsylvania

RID Prior Content Knowledge Level: Little/None

RID CEUs:  0.2 PS

About the Presenter, Andrea Rehkopf, MA, NIC, BEI Master:
Andrea has been a professional sign language interpreter since 2007, with a wide variety of post-secondary, conference, medical and freelance work. Her career began in Michigan, enjoyed a few years in Austin Texas and now she currently lives in Colorado. Andrea is a graduate of Western Oregon University’s MA interpreting studies program and this workshop is in part, a result of her research and final professional project. Andrea has taught as an adjunct instructor at various community colleges and enjoys mentoring students as well. In her spare time she enjoys rock climbing, meditation, snuggling her dogs and going on risky adventures.

About the Presenter, Valoree Boyer NIC:
A lifelong resident of Michigan, Valoree and has been interpreting for 22 years. Her work has spanned a variety of roles including staff interpreter, independent contractor, camp director, and non-profit administrator. Valoree believes that the proverbial “interpreter car-office”, and the business skills associated are important aspects to include in the individual and collective growth of the profession. In her personal life, she is a mother, canicross trainer, crazy cat lady, beach seeker, and coffee addict.

MON, Sept 9, 2024

6:30pm - 8:30PM

Presented by:
Christina Stevens

RID 101

This workshop is an introduction to RID (Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf), the professional membership organization. The workshop will introduce participants to the organization, to the Headquarters staff, and to the Board of Directors. We will delve into the RID website and learn about the member benefits of the organization. We will show how to become a member, and how to transition from a student member to an associate member. We will explain what the quorum is, and how voting works within the organization. Welcome to the profession, we are here to demystify the process! 

At the conclusion of this activity, participants will be able to:

  1. Know more about the makeup of RID and the various benefits of being a member
  2. Know how to renew your membership, and if currently a student how to move into an associate role
  3. Understand the voting process and quorum
  4. Know more information about the local AC (Affiliate Chapter), how to become members and other useful laws as they enter the profession.

Target Audience: Recent Interpreter Training Program (ITP) graduates and new interpreters working in the state of Pennsylvania

RID Prior Content Knowledge Level: Little/None

RID CEUs:  0.2 PS

About the Presenter, Christina Stevens:

Christina Stevens is the current Region 1 Representative for the RID Board. As a graduate of the The Theater School at DePaul University, Christina’s work with the National Theatre of the Deaf (NTD) provided the impetus for her move to Connecticut, where she has served as the CRID president for four plus years.  Christina is a graduate of the ASL-English Interpretation program at Columbia College of Chicago, Illinois. In her time in Connecticut, she has had the honor of serving as a governor-appointed member of the Advisory Board for Persons who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing and is a designated lead interpreter for the Connecticut Robotics Chapter for K-12 students (FIRST). Additionally, she and her husband were married a few months before the pandemic lockdown on an All Elite Wrestling (AEW) Wrestling cruise. Her time on the RID board has fostered a passion for working with students and emerging practitioners and welcoming them into the profession.

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